.... be a part of "Maitri"

Birthday Cake for a Birthday Girl... Happy Birthday to Me!!

>> Thursday, March 31, 2011

Yes... finally no more waiting. Today is "The Day!!" It is said "The best birthdays of all are those that haven't arrived yet" ;) But this birthday is quite special for me.. This is my 1st birthday in my blog-world!! I've set some targets and all I've to do is work on it.. So, I've lots of resolution to be made on this day.. Usually I've fewer New Year resolutions coz my year starts today and I make resolutions on this day.

Also, I'm bit upset coz this is my 1st birthday when I was blowing my birthday candle and there was only one voice singing a birthday song for me, tats Sree.. I miss my dad-mom, my sis, my brother and all those who love me and where a part of my birthday bash.. :( You know guys, Sree did his best to make me not miss anyone else and a gift for this day would be his love, his care and all those pampering that makes me feel "I'm not getting older, infact I'm getting younger!!" I admire how he plays the role of my parents, my life partner and my best friend.. I won't thank him for this coz this will not do justice to his love.. So, my first resolution would be to love him more than what he do.. Ever since I got married this is one of the resolutions I make on my birthday and would always be!!

Am I getting emotional???? Chill out, It's party-time, It's my birthday time!! I'm still in my sleepy pants and dancing around my laptop singing "happy birthday to me!!!".. Come on guys, join me and make it faster coz we got to wind-up soon before Sree is out of his shower.. He has asked me to stay away from laptop and I'm still wondering "Why??" Is this his way of giving me "Birthday Bumps!!"

As I suspected, today it is full of surprises.. Sree has asked me to get ready, he is taking me out somewhere.. It's a secret!!!!!! I love surprises and I'm very excited... :D May be he is going to buy me "Diamond Pendant" kidding guys.. I don't want to have this surprise, I'll faint!!! Wheeeeeeeeww.......

Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake. So, lets move on to "Cake Story..."

Age is a number and mine is unlisted!!

As Sree was very busy, also he was planning to take day-off on my birthday, so I thought I'll prepare the cake.. Well, it was my wish to see him preparing my birthday cake but tats fine.. may be next birthday ;)
So, my plan was make it a surprise.. I'll prepare the cake and when Sree is back from office I'll surprise him..

Yes guys, it's my birthday!! But tats fine.. I love to bake my birthday treat..

Now, I was preparing everything and I got a call.. Tring.. Tring..!! Lets see the conversation; R is mine and S is Sree's...

R: "Hello"
S: "Arrey, mei bol raha hun"
R: "Oh! kya baat hai, itne jaldi"
S: "I was thinking of getting a birthday cake for you"
R: "Oops!! Stop.. Did you order it?"
S: "Nopes.. Why? What happened?"
R: "Nothing"
S: "Are you planning something? Hey, don't do this"
R: "kya."
S: "I'm going to buy cake for u"
R: "Arrey, but I've started preparing"
S: "@#$%$^$#^ Why you didn't tell me?"
R: "Oooye Hello!! It's my birthday I'll do whatever I want to.. #@%@^@%"
S: "Ok.. ok.. I'm sorry baba!! Lets do like this.. You bake the cake and I'll do the cake decoration.. Deal??"
R: "Lemme think.. Hey, no!! You'll spoil my cake.. Never"
S: "Please.. please.. My sweetie.."
R: "Ok.. Tell me.. You know how to do icing??"
S: "Na"
R: "Then"
S: "Do we need to do icing to decorate a cake? :D Well, is it difficult to do?? :("
R: "No.. But if it is you, then Yes!!!"
S: "oh!! Now what.. ok you do the icing.. I will think of something else"
R: "Are you sure.."
S: "Yes honey.. I'll call u later on"
R: "Ok dear.. bye bye"

Well, I was feeling bad for Sree.. Poor Boy!! I've spoiled his planning.. :( The very next minute I got another call.. Tring.. Tring!!

S: "Hey, U remember we have seen bow over XYZ birthday cake"
R: "Ummmm.. Yes. So??"
S: "I'll do tat.. Once you do icing make sure you leave enough space so that I can top it with my Bow of Love"
R: "(cough) What?? Bow of Love.. Cool hubby.. Ok! go ahead. I've fondant with me so you can use it "
S: "Okie dokie.. I'll be back soon :D Bye"
R: "See you.. Bbye"

Wow, tats interesting "Bow of Love".. Lets see how is he going to do.. Then, I was back to preparation. I've bought a new hand-mixer and believe me guys "it's awesome to work with it" Whether it is mixing the batter or preparing icing, everything is done in minutes..

So my birthday cake flavor is "Chocolate and Cocoa-Strawberry Cream Cake" and as of now without "Bow of Love"

Here is the recipe!!

Ingredient :

For batter

1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour   
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 1/2 cup sugar, powdered
4 eggs, separated
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup oil / butter
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt

For Frosting

4 cups heavy whipping cream
2 cups confectioners' sugar
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 tbsp strawberry extract


For Batter

Grease and flour two 9" round cake pans. In a large bowl, beat egg yolks, buttermilk and sugar till well blended and frothy. Combine flour, salt and baking soda; gradually beat into liquid mixture till blended.

Take another bowl and beat the egg whites until stiff peaks. Fold into the prepared batter.

Meanwhile, preheat oven to 350F for 15 mins.

Transfer the batter to greased pans and bake for 20-25 mins or till toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

Let it cool for sometime and then transfer to the wire rack to cool completely.

For Frosting 

We are going to prepare frosting in 2 batches. One with cocoa and other with strawberry extract.

Beat 3 cups of whipping cream, 1 1/2 cups sugar and cocoa powder till stiff peaks form.In another bowl, beat remaining whipping cream, sugar and strawberry extract till stiff peaks form. Cover both the bowls.


Cut each cake horizontally into two layers. Place one layer on the plate and layer it with cocoa frosting. Repeat with other layers. Spread a layer of frosting over the top and sides of the cake. Smoothen it with spatula.


I did basketweave design for sides of cake and swirls at the top circumference of the cake using cocoa frosting. Using strawberry frosting, made a sequence of stars covering the lower circumference of the cake and also the space in between basketweave design and top swirls.

I was quite happy seeing the final outcome.. But it was still incomplete. Something is missing.. But, I was tired enough to identify what's missing.. So, I did nothing much and kept the cake in freezer.

As said, Sree came early and he was eager to see the cake.. He was so tempted that I doubt, atleast, he must have tasted the icing. lol!!! Within 1 hour he was in kitchen to start with his Mission : Bow of Love. I was surprised but impressed as well.. These are few moments that occur very rarely and I'm happy that I'm able to cherish them.. :D

"Mission: Bow of Love"

Sree started with lots of kick-boxing to my poor fondant and then coloring them.. I loved how he was estimating the amount of icing color to get the perfect tone.. Then another round of kicks, followed by rolling them out and finally forming beautiful and cute looking bow, I was enjoying each moment seeing him working hard to get his share of contribution to my cake.. :P

Atlast, Sree's Bow of Love was placed right at the top of my cake. After few more additions, my cake was looking perfect. I had lots of beautiful cake but this cake is so cute that I hate to eat it .. :(

Now I understand why I was finding my cake as "Incomplete" coz it was missing its Bow of Love. And my cake is complete with its perfect topping just the way I'm complete with my perfect partner..

So guys, thanks for reading the whole, not-so-long post :D and yes for your wishes.. Will describe how was my whole day in my next upcoming post..

Till then take care and enjoy!!

Sending this as an entry to Priya's Crazy for Cakes event.

Also, sending to Rumana's Treat To Eyes - Series 2  event.

Have you enjoyed this recipe or photos? Do follow this blog, share it with your friends and help this blog grow. This will motivate me to carry on with my passion. Hope you've enjoyed your time here and thank you for visiting me!!!

Mooli ke Parathe (Radish Stuffed Flatbread)

>> Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hello Everyone,

Two more days.. I'm so excited! Yes this end-of-month is very special for me.. I've lots of plans, waiting for surprises and have resolutions all set to be implemented.. any guess?? Well, I'm not going to reveal the secret.. You guys have to wait for two more days.. ;)

Last weekend, we bought white radish, a very common salad stuff in North India.. As I was born and bought up there I've seen that neither lunch nor dinner is complete without salad and by salad I mean "slices of onion, white radish, tomato and green chillies with salt sprinkled over them." One plate of this salad is served even before your meal is served.. Sometimes this is tummy-filler or sometimes time-pass ;) Seriously guys.. this is one of my mom's kitchen tricks.. Whenever she is running late in kitchen, she will ask me/ my sister to prepare a plate of salad and serve it to my dad.. So, that by the time he is busy with those healthy slices, she can make-up her delay.. And after 26 years of their marriage now my dad is aware of this trick :D All credits goes to "The Great Reshmi"

Coming back to mooli ke parathe.. As you all know, I'm crazy about stuffed parathas and radish stuffed paratha is very high in nutritional value. Moreover, I use raw radish filling for my parathas. There are cooks who prefer the mixture being cooked before stuffed. But I love the raw flavor of mooli in my paratha..

Even though I've prepared this for couple of times but this time Sree recognized the amazing flavor and said "Mast hai yar.. Super" "Are you preparing it for the first time??" Well, I can understand. This happens when you are more busy watching T.V than eating what is served to you.. ;)

So, lets move on to the recipe.


For Dough

Wheat Flour - 1 cup
Oil - 1 tsp
Water - as required

For Filling

White Radish - 1, peeled and grated
Red Chilli Pwd - 1 tsp
Turmeric - a pinch
Cumin Seeds - 1 tsp
Garam Masala - 1/4 tsp
Aamchur Pwd - 1/4 tsp , optional
Salt - to taste


Take the grated radish, sprinkle little salt and squeeze out the excess liquid into a bowl. This will be used while preparing the dough. Keep it aside.

In a bowl, mix all the ingredients (for filling) and keep aside.

Now, take wheat flour into a large bowl and add a tsp of oil to it. Using the excess water of radish, start kneading. If this is not enough for kneading you may use normal water. But I would suggest to make use of squeezed out water from radish. This enhances the flavor of parathas. Knead the dough to medium softness, cover and let it stand for 30 mins.

Divide the dough into equal portions. Roll each portion keeping the edges thinner than the center. Place a spoonful of raddish mixture in the center and roll it into a ball. Lightly flour it and roll into round parathas.

Heat a tawa or griddle. Place paratha over tawa and apply oil/ butter on the top. Flip and apply oil on the other side. Roast till both sides are golden and fully cooked. Repeat the procedure.

Serve hot with curd or pickle.

Sending this as an entry to "A Veggie/Fruit a month" event hosted by Sweet Artichoke and started by Priya.

Have you enjoyed this recipe or photos? Do follow this blog, share it with your friends and help this blog grow. This will motivate me to carry on with my passion. Hope you've enjoyed your time here and thank you for visiting me!!!

Vegetable Puffs

>> Monday, March 28, 2011

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Yeah, we did shopping, cleaning, laundry and lots of cooking.. ;) While shopping as usual I was busy with the grocery and Sree was roaming here and there. And he bumped on puff sheets kept in the freezer section.. Aww!! he almost ran towards me and yelled "My Vegetable Puffs!!!!!!!".. You've promised me a month ago and still haven't prepared.. Oops!! it's true.. I was postponing it for a month.. Sree is crazy about snack items esp. spicy stuffs.. And chicken puffs is his favourite.. But I was least interested in non-veg puffs. So, finally we decided with vegetable puffs.

I was confused with the shape of puffs. Some are rectangular and some are triangular shaped. Then, Sree was explaining the concept.. To differentiate between puffs, vegetable puffs are rectangular, non-veg puffs are triangular and paneer puffs are bit bigger in size.. WOW!! what an explaination but atleast makes sense.. ;)

Finally, on Sunday evening we had vegetable puffs with a cup of  hot tea. Here is the recipe for vegetable puffs.


Puff Pastry Sheets - 1 packet, thawed
Potatoes - 2, boiled and mashed
Onion - 1, thinly sliced
Green Peas - 1/4 cup, boiled
Carrots - 1/4 cup, chopped and boiled
Ginger-Garlic paste - 1 tsp
Red Chilli pwd - 1 tsp
Turmeric Pwd - a pinch
Garam Masala - 1/2 tsp
Cumin - 1/2 tsp
Oil - 1 tsp
Salt to taste


In a pan, heat oil and add cumin. When they sizzle, add onion and saute until translucent. Add ginger-garlic paste. Saute for few mins. Add all the masalas and 1 tsp water. Saute the masalas.

Add vegetables (mashed potatoes, boiled green peas and carrot) to the masala. Add salt and mix well.
Remove from heat and let it cool for sometime.

Preheat oven to 400F for 15 mins. Meanwhile, take puff pastry sheets over a lightly floured surface. Roll it out a little using rolling pin and cut into required shape and size. Mine was already cut into rectangular shape. So nothing much to do. :D

Take a spoonful of vegetable mixture and place it on one side. Make sure, you leave little space on sides of the sheet. Close the sheet from the other end. As sheets are bit sticky, so just press and seal the sides.

Bake them for 20-25 mins or until they are golden brown.

Serve hot with ketchup or chutney.

Have you enjoyed this recipe or photos? Do follow this blog, share it with your friends and help this blog grow. This will motivate me to carry on with my passion. Hope you've enjoyed your time here and thank you for visiting me!!!

Barley Flour Cake with Chocolate Frosting - MAITRI friendship chain

>> Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hello everyone,

Till now I had posts that used to speak about "Maitri", the mystery ingredient and passing it to 2 other bloggers.. But here I've something that initiates "Maitri" and declares that this friendship chain is functional from now onwards.. Many bloggers have shown their interest and we've listed them in our records.. I'm happy for this huge participation and looking forward to many more. I believe that most of us are aware of Arusuvai friendship chain and now they are running the second season of this chain.. I hope we will also make Maitri grow tremendously.

I agree the situation in USA is bit different from India. We've certain concerns and limited resources that restrain us from getting involved. When Priya & I discussed about this idea even we were concerned about the similar situations. And finally we decided to make it happen. I would encourage everybody in USA to be part of this chain..

To all those who haven't read about "Maitri" yet, please click here.

So, now with great pleasure let me explain how we initiated Maitri. It begin with Priya & I sending parcel to each other. Last Friday, I received my box of mystery. Well I was excited from the day when I was informed by Priya that she has mailed my package.. Wow!! I used to wonder what would be the mystery ingredient and I donno what is she going to send me.. Out of curiosity, even I did research on her blog and I was pretty sure she would send me something related to rajasthani cuisine.

On Friday, around 2:00 pm, I went out to check my mailbox and there I found this small box by USPS.. I rushed to my apartment and I was so excited that while I was opening box and taking out all the stuffs, I forgot that I'm supposed to take pics of everything sent to me.. Then what?????? I loaded everything back into the box and here are the pics of "Box", "mystery ingredient" and "very cute goodies" sent by Priya Mitharwal...

Box & the mystery ingredient...!!!

Salt - Pepper Shakers & Spoon Rest!!! Love you Priya, they are so cute....

Now coming to my experience with mystery ingredient.. Before this can u guys identify what was sent by Priya..

Well, at very first look I felt it is Whole Wheat and I checked with Priya.. After 2 hrs she replied "No!!" with a big happy smiley.. But now what to do?? I tasted one of the grains and realized that it is not Whole Wheat... It is "Barley"!!!!!!! I was so happy and sure as well that this time I'm not wrong.. Again I emailed Priya and checked with her.. After 2 hrs she replied "u r genius" with a big sad smiley... ;)

I did lots of research to prepare something special and delicious with this ingredient. I bookmarked some breakfast recipes, then went for brownies and finally ended up with Cake.. And here is the picture of "Barley Flour Cake with Chocolate Frosting" and this is dedicated to Maitri and to all of my blogger friends.. Do grab your piece of cake.. :P

I'm not a good baker so my cake is not with perfect finishing but yes it tasted awesome.. Of course, how can something prepared with all those gr8 ingredients can go wrong. The Barley flour gave a different flavor to cake and with thick chocolate frosting and marshmallow fondant red balls, it was simply irresistible.

Also, this cake is special for me because for the first time I've worked with frosting.. And yeah you guys can see the frosting is not applied perfectly.. But I love this look.... ;)

So, guys lets move on to recipe:

1 1/2 cups barley flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 tsp baking pwd
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup oil
3 large eggs, separated
1 tsp vanilla

for icing

3 cups powdered sugar
2/3 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup butter
1/3 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla


Preheat oven to 350F for about 15 minutes.

In a large bowl, whisk the barley flour, sugar, baking soda and salt. In the center of the bowl, make a well and add oil, egg yolks and vanilla. Beat with spoon until smooth.

Beat egg whites until stiff. Fold a fourth of the whites into the batter to lighten it, then fold in the rest.

Generously grease the baking pan. Pour into prepared pan. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.

Let cool for 20 minutes in the pan. Run a paring knife around the edges and then invert it onto a cake plate.

Meanwhile, prepare icing for the cake. In a work bowl with an electric mixer, cream the butter. Sift the sugar and cocoa powder together and slowly add to the butter, beating well after each addition. Add the milk and vanilla and beat until well blended and fluffy.

Once the cake has cooled down to room temperature, frost it with chocolate frosting.

I had store-bought marshmallow fondant with me. So I added red color to it and kneaded well to get fondant evenly colored. Make tiny balls with fondant and decorate over the cake.

You can decorate your cake in number of ways but this was the least time-taking one.

Those who are interested to be part of Maitri, do leave a comment or email me at reshrite@gmail.com or priya at priya.mitharwal@gmail.com.

Sending this as an entry to Treat to Eyes: Series 2 event hosted by rumana.

Have you enjoyed this recipe or photos? Do follow this blog, share it with your friends and help this blog grow. This will motivate me to carry on with my passion. Hope you've enjoyed your time here and thank you for visiting me!!!

Choco Cappuccino

>> Monday, March 21, 2011

Yesterday I bought a set of cute Verdi cappuccino cups and I was so excited to capture pics of them. What could be perfect than hot chocolate cappuccino poured into the cute little cups and topped with vanilla ice cream or whipping cream. I think I did justice to my cappuccino cups..

Believe me guys, I was just staring at them. Sree drank two cups of cappuccino and I was "still staring..!!!"

Now, "Why did I go for choco cappuccino?"
I like the deep flavor that chocolate imparts to coffee. It is like having coffee that has too much of cream and chocolate.. I love this Italian drink and when it is served in my cute cappuccino cups..


Milk - 1 cup ( 2% milk)
Freshly brewed dark coffee - 1 cup
Chocolate syrup (Hershey's )- 2 tbsp
Vanilla Ice cream or Whipping cream - for topping
Instant coffee powder - for garnish


Place milk into a sauce pot and bring it to boil. Remove from heat and add chocolate syrup. Whisk until the chocolate is mixed well. Return to low heat and stir until frothy.

Divide the coffee into mugs and ladle the chocolate mixture over. Top it with vanilla ice cream or whipping cream. Sprinkle coffee powder over it.


Have you enjoyed this recipe or photos? Do follow this blog, share it with your friends and help this blog grow. This will motivate me to carry on with my passion. Hope you've enjoyed your time here and thank you for visiting me!!!

Sweets Rolls/ Suruttai Poli

>> Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Well this recipe needs no kind of introduction because from past two days this is the most tried one in blogsphere. Yes for ICC (Indian Cooking Challenge). But I'm not preparing it for the challenge and the reason is I've just requested Srivalli to consider me into this challenge. So, as of now I'm not the member of ICC and I cannot post this recipe for the challenge.. :(

Being a curious cat, I was unable to hold myself when I see sweet rolls prepared by many of my blogger friends and they look so pretty.. I love them!! And if you look at Nithya's clicks then... What?? Those clicks are fabulous.. The way she use props to make those simple looking dishes very special, hats off to you Nits!!

So, today I'm posting this recipe as an entry to Bookmarked recipes by Priya & Aipi. And this recipe is bookmarked from Nithya's 4th sense cooking.

Moving on to the recipe...


For Filling

Roasted gram - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Cashews - handful
Cardamom pwd - 1 tsp
Coconut ( scrapped) - 1 tbsp
Clarified Butter (Ghee) - 1 tsp

For Making Poli

All purpose flour - 1 cup
Salt - a pinch
Oil - for deep frying


For Filling

Powder the roasted gram and sugar. Pour it to a bowl.

Take a pan and heat ghee in it. Roast cashew for few minutes until cashew turns golden in color. Remove and keep it on a tissue paper. In the same pan, roast coconut for 2 mins.

Powder the roasted cashew and mix it with powdered gram and sugar. Add roasted coconut to it. Mix well and keep it aside.

For Poli

Take all-purpose flour and salt in a bowl. Knead them into a soft dough by adding water to it little-by-little. Keep it aside for half an hour.

Now divide the dough into small parts and roll them into smooth balls. Using rolling pin, roll the balls into very thin circles ( almost semi-transparent) of around 10cm dia.

Heat oil in a deep-frying pan and put the polis into it. Fry them until half done ( about 10 seconds). Remove them from oil onto a plate and spread the filling over it. Roll them tight and keep it aside to let them cool.

Rolls would be soft when made but gradually would become crispy.

Serve and enjoy with a sip of Masala Chai!!!


1) While deep-frying polis, take care that they should not puff up like pooris. But they can have tiny bubbles here and there. Most of my polis were not perfect. They were in-between pooris and polis. I hope next time I'll get them perfect.

2) You've to work with piping hot polis so take care. Do not hurt yourself.

Did you guys read about "Maitri"? Please do visit here.

Have you enjoyed this recipe or photos? Do follow this blog, share it with your friends and help this blog grow. This will motivate me to carry on with my passion. Hope you've enjoyed your time here and thank you for visiting me!!!

"MAITRI" - a friendship chain

>> Monday, March 14, 2011

Hello Friends,

In last few weeks, many of you might have seen posts related to a wonderful friendship chain of food bloggers and non-bloggers alike called "Arusuvai". The moment Priya and I saw it (and I am sure many of you too), we so wanted to participate in it. But, then when we contacted the creators, we got to know that it is only for bloggers from India. Then, we kept thinking what to do to participate it.

And, what could be better than to start something similar over here in USA and Canada area. So, here we are (Priya and I) with this wonderful announcement, which we are sure many of you wanted to be part of and would surely participate (We are counting on that, so don’t let us down… lol).

So here we go with the beautiful banner!!

We are naming our chain as “MAITRI”, which in Hindi/Sanskrit means “Friendship”. This is going to be a chain, where we will have fun with food and make lots of new friendships.

Here is how it will work.

The main concept is that bloggers send “Mystery Ingredient” to each other (through regular mail USPS/UPS/FedEx) and then have fun cooking with it. Every blogger, who is interested in this chain will let us know through commenting to this post. As, we have bloggers interested coming in, we will be matching bloggers. It means that matching blogger “A” with blogger “B” and blogger “C”, and then blogger “A” will be sending “mystery ingredient” to blogger “B” and “C”. And then, blogger “B” and “C” will have fun identifying the mystery ingredient (if it is not already mentioned), cook with it, share the recipe with everyone. Then, each of blogger “B” and “C” will send another mystery ingredient to 2 other bloggers. I hope this explanation makes sense. If you have any questions, feel free to send us email or leave a comment and we will clarify.

Here are some basic rules for this chain:

1. It is open to both Bloggers and Non-Bloggers.

2. This is NOT restricted to Indian origin bloggers and anyone and everyone who owns a food blogger or a food enthusiast (non blogger) is eligible.

3. Bloggers and Non-Bloggers must reside in USA and Canada ONLY.

4. Bloggers and Non-Bloggers will be matched randomly by Reshmi and I and we will notify the respective bloggers and also maintain a page on our blogs which will be updated every few days.

5. Mystery Ingredient HAS TO BE STRICTLY VEGETARIAN (no meat or seafood or related products are allowed. If you have any doubts on whether or not a specific product will be eligible, feel free to let us know.

6. The recipe that you will share with all of us which you will make using the mystery ingredient HAS TO BE VEGETARIAN. No meat or seafood allowed. Eggs are allowed ONLY in baking.

7. The post which you will make for this chain has to have “MAITRI” word in its title and should link to both Reshmi and mine announcement posts.

8. Using the logo is MUST.

9. The Blogger and Non-Blogger need to cook and share recipe within 1 week from the date they receive the ingredient. This is just to ensure the chain keep glowing.

We will continue this chain till all interested Bloggers and Non-Bloggers are exhausted. Once the chain is over, we will start a second chain in appropriate time period.

We are hoping a heavy participation. So, keep your requests flowing and let us begin the chain. To start the chain, Priya and I will be sending each other mystery ingredients and then we will match with 2 bloggers each and proceed with the chain.

In case of any query, contact me at reshrite@gmail.com or priya at priya.mitharwal@gmail.com.
That’s all for now. Take care till next post.

Have you enjoyed this recipe or photos? Do follow this blog, share it with your friends and help this blog grow. This will motivate me to carry on with my passion. Hope you've enjoyed your time here and thank you for visiting me!!!

Reminder: "Celebrate Sweets - Ice Cream"

>> Sunday, March 13, 2011

Have you participated yet? We have had some excellent entries from both blogger and non-blogger friends. Thank you all so much for your participation. But I'll encourage to participate more and make this event a big success.

This post is just a reminder that this event will end on April 6th, 2011. Also, there is an ongoing $25 CSN giveaway along with this event. So, if you haven't had a chance to link your entries yet, please do participate. For more information, visit "Celebrate Sweets - Ice Cream" event page.

Have you enjoyed this recipe or photos? Do follow this blog, share it with your friends and help this blog grow. This will motivate me to carry on with my passion. Hope you've enjoyed your time here and thank you for visiting me!!!

Award Time!!

>> Friday, March 11, 2011

Hello everyone.. It's great to see when your blogger friends share awards with you. You feel motivated and I always love such appreciation.

This time the award is shared by my two beautiful blogger friends Soumya & Hema.

As this award comes with a rule, I've to share with 15 bloggers. So, I would like to share this award with my 15 new blogger friends. They are:

1. Kalpana of Life with Spices
2. Ramya of Hot from my oven
3. Kavitha of Kavis Aromatic World
4. Savitha of Savitha's Kitchen
5. Tahemeem of Not So Gourmet
6. Divya of Divya's Recipes 
7. Rachu of ammaandbaby
8. Shanavi of Kitchen Secrets
9. The Foodie of Vegetarian Tastebuds
10. Prathima of Prats Corner
11. schmetterlingwords
12. Archana of The Mad Scientist's Kitchen
13. Reshmi of Easy Cook
14. Plateful
15. Nancy & Vijay of Kitchen Gypsies


1. Accept the Award. Post in your blog with the name of the blogger who has given you this award with the link to his/her blog.

2. Pass it on to 15 other blogger friends, to keep the ball rolling.

3. Let the nominated blogger know about their award (leave a message in their most recent post).

Have you enjoyed this recipe or photos? Do follow this blog, share it with your friends and help this blog grow. This will motivate me to carry on with my passion. Hope you've enjoyed your time here and thank you for visiting me!!!

Day #5: Layered Crêpe Cake with Banana & Nutella Filling

>> Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hello everybody!! I'm back with my Nutella 7-days marathon. I'm sorry for the break.. Sometimes I feel continuity is not my game.. :(

Whenever I think of something that is in between omlette and a pancake and of course better than both, then it is a crêpe... Preparing crêpe is not so common in my kitchen but I always love to have it with nutella and banana. Crêpe with nutella and banana is one of my favourite combos.

With this I got the idea of doing something with nutella and I got the recipe of the day & recipe for the marathon, "Layered Crêpe Cake with Banana & Nutella Filling". A cake that requires no baking.....

Initially, my plan was to prepare a pure Nutella Crêpe cake but then I modified my recipe by adding banana to it. Believe me guys, it was a Yum Yum!!

Here we go with the recipe:


1 cup all-purpose flour
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1/4 tsp Salt
1 tsp sugar
2 tbsp Butter, melted
2 tbsp Nutella
1 banana, thinly sliced


Sieve the flour into a deep bowl. Add egg and start whisking. Pour milk little-by-little and mix well. Add water, salt, sugar and 1 tbsp butter and mix well until smooth. The batter should be of heavy cream consistency.

Heat a non-stick pan at medium heat. Pour 2 tbsp batter and swirl into round shape. Cook for a minute or until golden brown and flip to other side for few seconds. Remove from heat. Let it cool for sometime.

Meanwhile, heat Nutella along with 1 tbsp butter for about 20 seconds in microwave. It depends on the microwave, so check in between. Nutella must be a smooth consistency so it will be easy to work with.

Now layer each crêpe with Nutella in between them. I included banana slices after 5 layers of crêpe with nutella filling and then another banana layer after next 5 layers of crêpe.

Cover the final layer of crêpe and edges with remaining Nutella. Garnish with banana slices.


Sending this to Rumana's "Treat to Eyes: Series 1" event.

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